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One of the lessons I have learned from the spirit world is this: "Our purpose in life is to  develop ourselves and mould ourselves to the best that we can be in order to be of service to others."  You have extraordinary purpose and meaning on this earth plane that can not only serve you but others too, and it is my privilege to work alongside spirit to bring you some of the tools needed to embark on your spiritual journey

Mediumistic or Psychic Reading
30 minutes


Connect with the spirit world and receive messages from departed loved ones, or gain insights on love, relationships, career, and spiritual journey through a psychic reading.

Mediumistic and Psychic Reading
1 hour 


Experience a longer reading to gain proof of survival from loved ones in spirit. This session also provides insights into past lives, spirit guides, and more, along with answers to your life questions.

Soul Plan Reading
1 hour 15


​Do you have a sense there is something more for you in this life?

​Discover the spiritual map of your life and gain clarity on your soul's purpose, challenges, and talents. This session will provide you with a detailed analysis of your soul plan, allowing you to realign with your higher purpose and manifest your unique gifts in this lifetime.

​During this session, you will be provided with a detailed document explaining your soul plan as per a spiritual gematria made famous by the bestselling book 'Soul Plan'.


Soul Transformation Therapy  
1 hour


This therapy session helps identify and transform Soul Plan/Life Purpose blockages. It's a well-established modality in Japan that uses ancient and modern healing methods to clear emotional and life purpose blockages.

The STT system diagnoses core issues through a method similar to Jungian synchronicity and tarot, freeing you from the limiting unconscious patterns of separation and revealing a greater sense of awareness, freedom and liberation. 

-The healing interventions to clear issues may typically include trauma release, energy psychology, shamanic soul retrieval, archetype and subpersonality work-


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